Yesterday, we went and it was quite a bit more intense that the first class. The type of yoga we're learning is vinyasa which I guess means flow so you "flow" from one pose to the next. As I discovered yesterday flowing from pose to pose creates some sweat. And some soreness the next day.
We also did a little bit of meditation in the class. I was excited for the meditation section but I found the instructor very distracting. While we were doing our deep breathing she talked the whole time. And not relaxing meditation talk like "Focus on your breathing. Feel your chest open and expand. Yada yada" or things like that. Instead, she'll say "Is your mind wandering yet? Did you start making lists or thinking about things to do?" To which I wanted to respond "No, I wasn't making a list until you mentioned it. Now I sure am." So, her creating distraction and taking me away from the meditation didn't teach me about meditation.
Oh well. I still liked the yoga part. Even though it's kinda hard for me to move around too enthusiastically today.
Of course, I am going to need my own yoga mat soon. I'm thinking about this one from Target.
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