This is actually a post about using honey to combat my acne. But, when I did a Google image search for "honey" I came up with the movie poster from that awesome (oops, I mean) terrible Jessica Alba movie and I had to use it. I'll admit, I never saw the movie but I feel comfortable standing by my assessment.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I read online about six weeks ago about using honey to combat acne. This is one of the sites I read. Well, I've tried just about everything under the sun to get rid of my acne with not a lot of luck so I figured slathering honey on my face is cheap and easy enough to try.
Surprisingly (at least to me), I've had good results. For about the first two weeks, I washed my face every night, spread honey all over it (you're supposed to go for the unprocessed honey), let it sit for 20-30 minutes and then washed it off. Since those first two weeks, I've continued doing the routine as many nights a week as I can (and remember!).
Before I started the honey, I was breaking out constantly. Not just little breakouts either, huge breakouts all over my face, especially on my cheek.
Now, I'm breaking out almost not at all. I have a small pimple today but that's the first one I've had in a while.
So, honey = good.
Unless it involves Jessica Alba.
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