I'm participating in Reverb10 this month. I don't think I'll do a good job explaining it, so definitely check out the link for more info. In a nutshell, every morning I get a prompt in my email and I've gotta blog about it. Seems like a good way to really dedicate myself to blogging this month (and keep me occupied while Christian is off in east Texas producing a new movie). My plan is to think about the prompt first thing in the morning and try to remember what my initial reactions were at the end of today. Today, that worked. We'll see how it goes going forward.
Now, onto the first day.
One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you're choosing that word. Now, imagine it's one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
2010: Change
This year had a lot of change. I changed the city I live in. I changed jobs. We changed our family size by adopting little Senior Kitty Paws. And, most recently, I've been working on changing my outlook so I'm more positive.
2011: Grow
Next year, I think will be a year of growth. Now that we're away from the high prices of Manhattan, I'm looking forward to growing our savings :) Now that I'm comfortable in my new job, I'm really looking forward to growing in it next year. I also want to grow as a person and continue on this new path toward positivity that I've started on. Clearly, SKP will keep growing.
One thing I don't want to grow in 2011 - my waistline, of course. Oh, but I do want my hair to grow. I love my pixie cut but I'm ready for a little something longer.
Oh, I love this idea. Also very inspired by the books in your sidebar. I gotta read more...